Brian's Best Blog

My blog will never be up to date, but I will suprise you every now and then with a new post.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

clean slate

Brian started moving into his new apartment today! The boys signed their lease this morning and started bringing over their stuff. They've sworn to keep this apartment much cleaner than the last one, and lets hope they do because the last one was nasty at the end. They took a trip to the container store and they got excited about organizing their huge closets (isn't that cute?). Hopefully, they'll get the internet set-up soon and then you can hear about things straight from Flo himself.

Other than the moving excitement, not a whole lot is going on. He's coming to visit me in 4 days!!

Love, the future Mrs. Flo

Monday, February 06, 2006

Does anyone still read this?

I feel like Brian has lost his fan base. His job blocked access to blogger on the company computers so he can't really update anymore. I'll try to give you the update on what he's been doing:

Work: He's still at Omni at the front desk. He likes it and he doesn't at the same time. He would like to work somewhere more rewarding and somewhere that pays a little more, but doesn't have any ideas so far. I think he's going to try to take some management classes at Omni (at least thats what he says), so we'll see.

Life: Brian spends a lot of time at Starbucks reading. Right now he's on Count of Monte Cristo, Dante's Inferno, and some book about Alexander the Great. He feels like he should be reading something educational or classic at all times. I don't really understand this. If I have time for fun reading, it has to be FUN reading. But thats what makes Brian Brian. He just signed a 6-month lease with Michael Massenburg and another guy from our church. They'll be living in a nice apt in central dallas. He's really excited about having his own apt again. 8 months at home has been enough. After that, we're hoping he can move to Williamsburg, get an efficiency apartment and find a job. Sounds like a tall order at this point, but we're going to make it work. Being apart another year would just be too awful.

I think that's about it for our BJ Flo. He's coming to visit me next week. We'll be celebrating our 6 year anniversary! Isn't that crazy?

If you're actually reading this post, you are one pathetic blog-checker and you should think about just how obsessed you've become.

Love, Elaine and BJ Flo